kompasbank raises interest rates to unmatched levels
On November 1, 10,500 businesses will face the deadline for repaying Momslån 4 and A-skattelån 1, totaling DKK 2.3 billion, while continuing repayments on existing payment arrangements with Skattestyrelsen amounting to DKK 4.4 billion.
Whether you’re planning to repay your loan to the State before the November 1 deadline, are already on a payment plan, or are considering setting up a new payment arrangement with Skattestyrelsen, it may be wise to explore alternative financing options.
Each week, we assist Danish SMEs in settling costly debt and improving their capital structure, allowing them to make the most of their liquidity. If you’d like to learn more about how to gain additional financial flexibility in these uncertain times, you are welcome to book a meeting with one of our business account managers.
* A company can immediately settle a payment arrangement with Skattestyrelsen and repay a loan on short notice. Source: Skattestyrelsen.
For further information, please contact
Kasper Kankelborg
Head of Communication & Marketing